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Canada details

On this page you can find all the information needed to make a phone call from abroad to Canada. You can also take note of the regional telephone codes for major cities of Canada as listed below.

Information about Canada

Canada is a country that is located in North America Its capital is Ottawa and its inhabitants are Canadian(s). The population of Canada in 2012 amounted to 34,300,083 people. The surface of Canada is 9,984,670 km2.

Map of Canada

Canada cities area codes

cityarea codedialing start
Calgary+1403 +1403
Calgary+1587 +1587
Edmonton+1780 +1780
Gatineau+1819 +1819
Halifax+1902 +1902
London+1519 +1519
London+1226 +1226
Mississauga+1905 +1905
Mississauga+1289 +1289
Montreal+1514 +1514
Montreal+1438 +1438
Ottawa+1613 +1613
Ottawa+1343 +1343
Quebec City+1581 +1581
Quebec City+1418 +1418
Saskatoon+1306 +1306
Sault Ste. Marie+1705 +1705
Sault Ste. Marie+1249 +1249
Specialized Telecom Services+1600 +1600
St. John+1506 +1506
St. John's+1709 +1709
Terrebone+1450 +1450
Terrebone+1579 +1579
Thunber Bay+1807 +1807
Toronto+1647 +1647
Toronto+1416 +1416
Vancouver+1236 +1236
Vancouver+1778 +1778
Vancouver+1604 +1604
Victoria+1250 +1250
Winnipeg+1204 +1204
Yellowknife+1867 +1867

CAN : Canada translated in other languages

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Language Code Country translation Country code