Country code

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Wich is +378 country code ?

+378 is the San Marino telephone code. It should be used to call in San Marino when you be outside the country. To call San Marino, proceed as follows: the exit code of the country where you are (IDD), then enter the telephone code of San Marino, and finally the phone number to call. This can be illustrated as follows: IDD + 378 + area code + phone number.

IDD (International Direct Dialing) : is the exit code used by countries to make an outgoing call. For most countries it is the 00. For the United States and Canada IDD is 011.

Area code : it is a local telephone code for areas such as cities or regions.

Example start dialing to call San Marino :

00378 XXX ... (mostly)
011378 XXX ... (if you call San Marino from Canada or the United States)

San Marino flag

San Marino country code ?


San Marino coat of arms

<h2>San Marino coat of arms</h2>
Photo : San Marino

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